Dr. Domitille Giaume
Marie-Curie Fellow, IESL-FORTH
Address: Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL)
Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
P.O. Box 1385 Vassilika Vouton Heraklion 71110 GreeceEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 0030 - 2810 - 391874
Fax: 0030 - 2810 - 391305
Lab Phone: 0030 - 2810 - 391349
Scientific information
- Scientific information:
Subject area:
Biological Functionalization of Nanoparticles
In the context of the European project NANOTAIL in collaboration with the National Nanotechnology Laboratory, CNR, Lecce (Italy) and the Centre d’Elaboration de Materiaux et d’Etudes Structurales, CNRS, Toulouse (France), I am working on the synthesis and characterization of complex solution-grown nanocrystals presenting anisotropic shape (e.g. from spheres/cubes to rods and tetrapods). We aim to understand how reconstruction of the material’s electronic structure in a confined environment plays a pivotal role in defining new quantum mechanical states that in turn stabilize novel aspects either of magnetism or optical functionality. Prospects for the potential use of such nanoscale objects (e.g. nanostructures combining metal oxides and piezoelectric semiconductors) in domains such as detection-recognition in biology or in magneto-optical devices will be demonstrated.
I like traveling and trekking, skiing and swimming, but also simply resting with friends!